Hi, I'm Mat

Photography Teacher
I saved up and bought my first camera as a kid. Since then, I've captured our travels, my own kids growing, and launched a family photography business.
I teach you how to use your camera so that you can photograph the things you love.
~ Mat

This course is for you if you're excited about photography, bought a camera, and aren’t sure what to do with it (or need help getting to the next level).
Photography classes are offered throughout Trenton and Belleville, accommodating students from Madoc, Tweed, Stirling, Napanee, Picton (Prince Edward County), Brighton and Cobourg.
Maybe you love travel or nature, rugged landscapes and sunsets.
You might be a new mom or dad who wants to capture your little one's first year and the adventures you’ll have as a family.
Some people who take the course are entrepreneurial and use photography in their business.
Whatever you love to photograph, the thing that stands in everyone’s way is not knowing how to use their camera properly.​
My course solves this problem in less than 30 days.

You are truly what every teacher should be.
You plan for your lessons thoroughly, you modify your lessons based on your students’ needs and interests, you individualize the program (your videos are incredible, I can’t believe how much time you put in to them!), you follow up daily (the emails!), you encourage, you guide, you celebrate.
I love watching your videos, not just for what I can learn from them but also because it makes me feel SO good. THANK YOU!
Susan, 2019
I will design a personal photography course for you (covering the essentials that you as a unique student actually want to learn - no confusing filler material), consisting of three 90 minute classes, assignments to practice during the week, plus three 30 minute videos of me giving you personal feedback on the photos you have submitted.
You come to class and I show you the right way to use your camera.
You go home and have some fun taking pictures.
Part way through the week you send me some photos and I give you feedback.
You come back to class and I help you with all the situations you ran into during the week.
By the time your course is finished you will know how to take pictures you love.​
Plus, you remain part of my community and can reach out for help or advice anytime you need it.
I'll make this one of the best investments you've ever made.
Enrollment for the course is 595 +hst
The course is available from June-September, 2022.
Flexible scheduling is available for your classes (I suggest we space them out once every week or two).
Locations that we will choose together around Belleville, Ontario.