iPhone (or any smartphone) photography follows the same principles of moment, composition, and light that all other photography does.
The main difference between a smartphone and a fancy camera is simplicity.
An iPhone lacks the distraction of endless buttons, dials and menus. You don't need a manual for your smartphone camera - there is only one button.
The first phone cameras sucked. The photos they produced were terrible. But starting with the iPhone 4s I became a believer that you can take just as good a photos (sometimes better) with a phone as you can with an expensive camera. In fact, using a phone camera made me realize that a good photo has almost nothing to do with the camera and almost everything about what you do with the camera.
All of the creative principles that you learn in my course apply to taking pictures with your phone.
Here is a gallery of my iPhone 4s photos
Remember to treat your phone as if it's a serious camera. When you apply the principles of moment, composition, and light to your phone pictures, they'll improve too.